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Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), with calcium, magnesium, without phenol red

Kód: PB180323
Značka: Elabscience
Skladom u výrobcu

Soľný roztok Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), with calcium, magnesium, without phenol red. Objem 500 ml. 

Detailné informácie

Podrobný popis

Balanced Salt Solution (Physiological Solution) have the properties of buffer solution (regulate pH), normal saline (maintain osmotic pressure) and culture medium (provide nutrition). It can meet the basic needs of survival and metabolism of tissues, organs or cells in vitro. A small amount of phenolic red was added to some equilibrium salt solutions to indicate the pH change of the solution. Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) is one of the commonly used phosphate buffers in cell separation or culture. The main components are NaCl, KCl, KH2PO4, Na2HPO4, NaHCO3, CaCl2, MgCl2, MgSO4 and glucose. HBSS is often used to rinse tissue or cells, to transport cells or tissues, to prepare other reagents, to dilute the cells when counting the cells.

Forma produktu kvapalina
Koncentrácia 1x
pH 7.2-7.4
D-Glukóza 1000 mg/l
NaHCO3 350 mg/l
Fenolová červeň negatívna
CaCl2 140 mg/l
MgCl2 x 6H2O 100 mg/l
MgSO4 x 7 H2O 100 mg/l
Uskladnenie 2-8°C
Preprava izbová teplota
Expirácia 36 mesiacov

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