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Wine Analysis Test Kits

Wine analysis is almost as diversified as wine itself. It is necessary to ensure the quality, authenticity and, above all, the safety of the product.

Bioanalytical testing methods are a convenient way to do this, due to their short analysis time, high sensitivity and cost-effectiveness. Comprehensive solutions provided by Gold Standard Diagnostics offer improved testing efficiency while meeting the highest standards.


HU0030200 SENSISpec ELISA Histamine
SENSISpec ELISA Histamine, 96-test
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: HU0030200
1 items total
HU0030200 SENSISpec ELISA Histamine
SENSISpec ELISA Histamine, 96-test
In stock at the manufacturer

Súprava ELISA na skríning histamínu vo vzorkách vína.  Balenie obsahuje súpravy ELISA, formát 96-jamková platňa.

Code: HU0030200

If you did not find the product you were looking for, contact our sales representatives, we will be happy to prepare a price offer for you.