If you require any further information, feel free to contact us +421 903 672 588 / molchem@molchem.sk

Units measurement

Measurement is the basis of all experimental science, quality production and constant technical development. It is the process of obtaining the numerical value of a physical quantity in the selected
units. Each measured quantity can be measured by several methods, it mainly depends on the type of physical quantity and on the instrumentation.

We offer you consumables that are used in the measurement of electrochemical, physical and optical quantities, namely:


pH pen LLG
pH tester
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 6263690
hustomer na mlieko
Hustomer na mlieko laboratórny
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: H331050105
4 items total
hustomer na mlieko
Hustomer na mlieko laboratórny
In stock at the manufacturer

Hustomer je určený na meranie hustoty mlieka a tekutých mliečnych výrobkov.

Code: H331050105
hustomer prevadzkovy 50kg 1kg

Hustomer prevádzkový bez teplomeru, delenie 1kg/m3, rozpätie meracieho intervalu 50 kg/m3

Code: H3101003
hustomer prevadzkovy 50kg 1kg teplomer

Hustomer prevádzkový s teplomerom, delenie 1kg/m3, rozpätie meracieho intervalu 50 kg/m3

Code: H311100301
pH pen LLG
pH tester
In stock at the manufacturer

Cenovo výhodný pH tester, ideálny na testovanie malých množstiev kvapaliny a v úzkych nádobách. Dodávaná nádoba na skladovanie zabraňuje vysychaniu elektródy.

Code: 6263690

If you did not find the product you were looking for, contact our sales representatives, we will be happy to prepare a price offer for you.