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Screw Cap Decappers/Recappers

IntelliXcap Tube Capping/Decapping & Sealing Systems from Azenta Life Sciences provide fully and semi-automated solutions for various throughput levels. The instrument range includes dependable manual, semi, and fully automated systems, covering single-tube manual decappers, column cappers/decappers, and fully automated and whole-rack solutions. The next-generation IntelliXcap Automated Screw Cap Decapper/Recapper offers increased throughput, ease of use, and high system reliability, making it ideal for laboratories managing compound libraries or biological sample stores.

Additionally, the Semi-Automated Screw Cap Single Channel Decapper/Recapper can cap/decap whole 24, 48, and 96-format tubes, while the Semi-Automated Screw Cap Single Tube Decapper/Recapper is the industry’s first of its kind. Azenta Life Sciences also provides a semi-automated system for handling septum TPE caps.


Manual Tube Decapper
Manual Tube Decapper
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 65-54004
3 items total
IntelliXcap™ poloautomatický ručný odskrutkovač

Prenosný a ľahký poloautomatický ručný odskrutkovač je ideálny na použitie v každom laboratóriu. Prístroj dokáže uzavrieť jeden stĺpec s 8 skrutkovacími uzávermi za menej ako 4...

Code: 46-9012
Manual Tube Decapper
Manual Tube Decapper
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 65-54004

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