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165 items total
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb
Cled medium with andrade indic, 500g
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: CM0423B
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb
Clostridium difficile, 500g
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: CM0601B
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb
Clsn med dithionite thio (hs-t), 500g
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: CM0353B
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb Code: CM1065R
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb Code: CM1065B
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb Code: VG0704B
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb
Columbia agar mlt, 500gm
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: R455412
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb
Columbia blood agar base, 2.5kg
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: CM0331R
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb
Columbia blood agar base, 500g
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: CM0331B
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb
Columbia blood agar base, 5kg
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: CM0331T
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb
Cooked meat medium, 500g
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: CM0081B
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb
Corn meal agar, 500g
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: CM0103B
510101 cp4 epsp gsd
CP4 EPSPS, ELISA, 96-test
In stock at the manufacturer

Súprava ELISA s glyfosátom je imunoanalýza na kvantitatívny a citlivý skríning glyfosátu vo vzorkách vody. Tento test je vhodný na kvantitatívny a/alebo kvalitatívny skríning...

Code: 510101
hotový obrázok
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: CM1005B
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb
Cronobacter screening broth
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: CM1121B
3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb
Crossley milk medium, 500g
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: CM0213B
E AB 10258 WB01
CRP Polyclonal Antibody
In stock at the manufacturer

Recombinant protein of human CRP. The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the pentaxin family. It is involved in several host defense related functions based on its...

Code: E-AB-10258-20UL
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