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A wide selection of chemical and biological reagents, enzymes, antigens, antibodies, proteins and peptides, test kits and much more. Our offer is focused on high-quality and reliable products that meet standards for research and diagnostics.

If you did not find the product you were looking for, our experts will be happy to help you choose the right reagent for your needs.


Recombinant Human TGFB1/TGF-beta 1 Protein
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: PKSH032007-50
Krvny agar Uriselect
Columbia CNA Aesculin Selective Agar / Brilliance™ UTI
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: PB5220E
500094 glyphosate clean up gsd
Glyphosate, Clean-up Reagent, 2.5 g
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 500094
500082 glyphosate sample diluent gsd
Glyphosate, Sample Diluent, 100 mL
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 500082
500083 glyphosate sample diluent gsd
Glyphosate, Sample Diluent, 1 L
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 500083
510101 cp4 epsp gsd
CP4 EPSPS, ELISA, 96-test
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 510101
500084 glyphosate derivatization magnetic particle gsd
Glyphosate, Derivatization Kit, Magnetic Particle ELISA
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 500084
500087 glyphosate derivatization gsd
Glyphosate, Derivatization Kit, Microtiter Plate ELISA
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 500087
166 items total
primary acetyl phosphorylated antibody
Acetyl Phospho Methyl Antibody
In stock at the manufacturer

Rozmanitá kolekcia acetyl/fosfo/metyl protilátok pre potreby vášho výskumu.

3841 24 listeria enrichment broth 24leb
Almond residue elisa
In stock at the manufacturer

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is designed to deliver simple, sensitive and fast detection and quantification of almond material in food and environmental samples....

Code: ESARD-48
Amies transport medium
Amies transport medium, 250g
In stock at the manufacturer

To simplify collection, transport, and maintenance of fastidious, pathogenic organisms serves Thermo scientific™ oxoid™ amies transport medium (dehydrated). Quantity 250 g.

Code: CM0425J
Amplified IDEIA HP StAR K663011

Kvalitatívna enzýmová imunoanalýza na detekciu antigénov Helicobacter pylori vo vzorkách ľudskej stolice. Používa sa v diagnostickom pracovnom postupe na pomoc lekárom pri...

Code: K663011-2
Anaerobe Basal Agar
Anaerobe basal agar, 500g
In stock at the manufacturer

Anaerobe basal agar (Dehydrated) serves for the cultivation of anaerobic microorganisms, especially Bacteroides spp. Quantity 500 g.

Code: CM0972B
Anaerobe Basal Broth
Anaerobe basal broth, 500g
In stock at the manufacturer

Anaerobe basal broth (dehydrated) serves for the cultivation of anaerobic microorganisms, especially Bacteroides spp and other demanding species. Quantity 500 g.

Code: CM0957B
Peptone Water Andrade
Andrades peptone water, 500g
In stock at the manufacturer

Peptone water Andrade's is a nutrient base containing Andrade's indicator to which carbohydrates and other diagnostic reagents may be added for use in fermentation studies....

Code: CM0061B
Antibiotic Medium No. 3 Assay Broth (Dehydrated)

Antibiotic medium no. 3 assay broth is used as the broth medium in turbidimetric or serial dilution assay of a wide variety of antibiotics with Staphylococcus aureus....

Code: CM0287B
Antibiotic no.1 (seed agar), 500g
Antibiotic no.1 (seed agar), 500g
In stock at the manufacturer

Antibiotic medium no.1 is a recommended medium for the seed layer in the preparation of plates for the microbiological assay of antibiotics. Quantity 500 g.

Code: CM0327B
1 apis mellifera
Apis mellifera
In stock at the manufacturer

Jed z Apis mellifera (eurĂłpska vÄŤela medonosná)

Code: L4105-100MG
Arcobacter broth, 500g
Arcobacter broth, 500g
In stock at the manufacturer

Arcobacters are micro aerophilic, Gram-negative rods, which were formerly classified as Campylobacter. Quantity 500 g.

Code: CM0965B
Azide blood agar base, 500g
Azide blood agar base, 500g
In stock at the manufacturer

Azide blood agar base is used for detection and isolation of streptococci and staphylococci from feces, sewage and other specimens containing mixed flora....

Code: CM0259B
Azide dextrose broth (rothe), 500g
Azide dextrose broth (rothe), 500g
In stock at the manufacturer

Azide dextrose broth is used for the detection of enterococci in water and sewage. Quantity 500 g.

Code: CM0868B
Bacillus cereus Selective Agar Base
Bacillus cereus select agar ba, 500g
In stock at the manufacturer

Bacillus cereus selective agar meets the requirements for a medium that is sufficiently selective to be able to detect small numbers of Bacillus cereus cells and...

Code: CM0617B
Baird-parker agar (iso)
In stock at the manufacturer

Baird Parker agar contains carefully balanced selective inhibitory agents, glycine, lithium, and tellurite, to suppress the growth of most of the bacteria present in foods...

Code: CM1127T
Baird-Parker Agar Base (Dehydrated)
Baird-Parker Agar Base (Dehydrated)
In stock at the manufacturer

Baird-Parker agar base is intended for the isolation of Staphylococcus aureus froom food specimens. Quantity 500 g.

Code: CM0275B
E AB 30640 WB01
BCL-x Polyclonal Antibody
In stock at the manufacturer

Bcl x is a member of the Bcl 2 family of proteins, which function as regulators of apoptosis. It may provide neuroprotection against ischemic brian injury. 

Code: E-AB-30640-20UL
BiGGY Agar (Nickerson Medium) (Dehydrated)

The BiGGY agar is medium for isolation and identification of the Candida species. Quantity 500 g.

Code: CM0589B
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