If you require any further information, feel free to contact us +421 903 672 588 / molchem@molchem.sk

PCR Plates, Tubes & Tube Strips

PCR tubes and strips from Azenta Life Sciences are manufactured from virgin polypropylene in an ISO-certified Class 7 manufacturing facility in a cleanroom in the UK. The thin-walled tubes maximize heat transfer and are certified free of RNase, DNase, human genomic DNA and pyrogens.

The 8-well 4titude PCR Tube Strips feature a unique two-component design with thin-walled polypropylene tubes for efficient heat transfer and a frame molded from polycarbonate. Together, this creates a solid tube strip for easy and reliable handling that can be 2D coded and is available in a variety of colors.

We also offer one-piece tube strips in low and standard (high) profile formats, with or without caps attached; as well as individual PCR tubes with caps attached. White-well options are available for higher sensitivity in qPCR applications.

All tubes and strips are suitable for manual or robotic use and are compatible with a variety of cyclers.


MicroAmp™ Optical 8-Cap Strips
MicroAmp™ Optical 8-Cap Strips
Upon request
Code: 4323032
4358293 MicroAmp Fast8 TubeStrip 650x600.jpg 650
MicroAmp™ Fast 8-Tube Strip, 0.1 mL
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 4358293
Q32856 650x600.jpg 250
Qubit™ Assay Tubes
In stock (4 package)
Code: Q32856
4ti 0791 1
Cap2™ 0,2 ml dvojzávitová skúmavka na odber vzoriek PCR
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 4TI-0791
MIC Tubes and Caps
MIC Q qPCR Tubes + Caps
In stock (100 package)
Code: 95910-20
4ti 0796
4 Well PCR Tube Strip, Rotor-Gene® Style, With Caps
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 4TI-0796
Individual PCR Tube, with Attached Caps 0.2ml wells
Individual PCR Tube, with Attached Caps 0.2ml wells
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 4TI-0790
4ti 0781
8 Well PCR Tube Strip
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 4TI-0781
8 Well PCR Tube Strip Removable
8 Well PCR Tube Strip Removable
In stock at the manufacturer
Code: 4TI-0753
12 items total
4ti 0796

Skúmavkové stripy s objemom 0.1 ml, 4 ks stripy s vrchnáčikmi. Určené pre prístroje Corbett Rotor-Gene. Balenie 250 ks.

Code: 4TI-0796
4ti 0781
8 Well PCR Tube Strip
In stock at the manufacturer

Štandardný profil, materiál číry polypropylén, pracovný objem < 200 µl, celková kapacita jamky 300 µl. Na výber z troch možností: bez vrchnáku, s plochým vrchnákom, s klenutým...

Code: 4TI-0781
8 Well PCR Tube Strip Removable
8 Well PCR Tube Strip Removable
In stock at the manufacturer

Tieto nízkoprofilové PCR stripy majú nízky profil, pracovný objem:

Code: 4TI-0753
4ti 0785 Group

8 jamkové PCR skúmavky so štandardným profilom jamiek a polykarbonátovým rámom spájajú výhody tenkostenných skúmaviek pre optimálne výsledky PCR a pevnej časti rámu pre...

Code: 4TI-0785/P
4ti 0786 Group

8 jamkové PCR skúmavky so štandardným profilom jamiek a polykarbonátovým rámom spájajú výhody tenkostenných skúmaviek pre optimálne výsledky PCR a pevnej časti rámu pre...

Code: 4TI-0786/P
4ti 0792front

PCR skúmavky s pripojeným uzáverom sú vyrobené z čistého polypropylénu, spĺňajú prísne požiadavky ako rad FrameStar® a neobsahujú RNázu, DNázu ani ľudskú genómovú DNA....

Code: 4TI-0794
4ti 0791 1

Jedinečná skúmavka PCR s mechanizmom s dvojitým uzáverom, 2D kódom datamatrix, ako aj ľudsky čitateľnou identifikáciou, čo umožňuje širokú všestrannosť pracovného toku....

Code: 4TI-0791
Individual PCR Tube, with Attached Caps 0.2ml wells

Štandardný profil, objem jamky 0.2 ml, materiál polypropylén, pracovný objem:

Code: 4TI-0790
MIC Tubes and Caps
Sale >30% Skladom
MIC Q qPCR Tubes + Caps
In stock (100 package)

MIC tubes with caps suitable for QqPCR cycler (QuantaBio / Bio Molecular Systems / RIDA CYCLER). Packaging 960 pcs, minimum order is 1 packaging Volume 5 – 30µL

Code: 95910-20
4358293 MicroAmp Fast8 TubeStrip 650x600.jpg 650
MicroAmp™ Fast 8-Tube Strip, 0.1 mL
In stock at the manufacturer

MicroAmp Fast 8-Tube Strip made of polypropylene suitable for thermal cyclers or real-time PCR systems. The package contains 125 MicroAmp™ Fast 8 strips.

Code: 4358293
MicroAmp™ Optical 8-Cap Strips

MicroAmp™ Optical 8-Cap polypropylene tubes suitable for thermal cyclers or real-time PCR systems. The package contains 300 MicroAmp™ Optical 8 strips with caps.

Code: 4323032
Q32856 650x600.jpg 250
New Skladom
Qubit™ Assay Tubes
In stock (4 package)

Tenkostenné polypropylénové skúmavky s objemom 500 μl na použitie s fluorometrom Qubit.  Balenie 500 ks.

Code: Q32856

If you did not find the product you were looking for, contact our sales representatives, we will be happy to prepare a price offer for you.