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HTL, Page 4

Corning HTL SA. is one of the world's leading manufacturers of liquid handling equipment for the laboratory industry. The company produces a wide range of liquid dispensers:

We offer high-quality manual pipettes with adjustable volume, which are an excellent alternative to expensive brands.  HTL pipettes combine the highest level of accuracy and precision with a traditional design. Pipettes and pipetting sets are suitable for every type of research activity.

55 items total
pipette stand plexi 5480

Štvormiestny plexi stojan pre pipety. Vhodný na jednokanálové pipety a/alebo viackanálové pipety. Vhodný pre modely pipiet DP, D/DV, LMP, OP. Na vyžiadanie aj farebné...

Code: HTL-5480

Page 4 of 4 - 55 items total