If you require any further information, feel free to contact us +421 903 672 588 / molchem@molchem.sk

General terms and conditions

Article I - General Provisions

  1. These General Terms and Conditions govern the relations between Molchem ​​s.r.o., IČO: 47427507 (hereinafter referred to as the Supplier) and the customer (hereinafter referred to as the Customer) for the supply of goods and services. Any other terms and conditions are not binding on the Supplier, even if they are part of the Customer's order.

  2. These general terms and conditions apply to contractual relationships that arise between the Supplier and the Customer in accordance with Act no. 40/1964 Coll. The Civil Code, as amended, pursuant to Act No. 250/2007 on consumer protection and pursuant to Act no. 102/2014 Coll. Act of 25 March 2014 on consumer protection in the sale of goods or provision of services based on a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside the seller's premises and on the amendment of certain laws (as amended by No. 151/2014 Coll., 173/2015 Coll., 391 /2015 Coll., 57/2018 Coll. (indirectly), 170/2018 Coll.).

  3. For contractual relationships (as well as other legal relationships that may result from the contractual relationship) with legal entities, or with natural persons - entrepreneurs (e.g. self-employed), the provisions of Act No. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code as amended (according to §411-441 of the Commercial Code).

  4. A supplier is a person who, when concluding and fulfilling a consumer contract, acts within the scope of his business activity or profession, or a person acting on his behalf or on his account.

  5. In terms of these general terms and conditions, the supplier is also:

    1. by the operator of the e-commerce system operated via the seller's website (hereinafter also referred to as "e-shop").

    2. the operator of the information system / information systems in accordance with Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on the amendment of certain laws.

  6. For the purposes of these general terms and conditions, it is stated that the Customer is any natural or legal person who filled out and sent an order through the seller's website, received (email) notification of order acceptance. A customer is also any person who placed an order by phone or sent an email and confirmed acceptance of the seller's price offer by email and also confirmed familiarity with these General Terms and Conditions.

  7. Molchem ​​s.r.o. reserves the right to change these terms and conditions without prior notice. The obligation to notify in writing of changes to these terms and conditions is fulfilled by placing them on the website https://molchem.sk

Article II - About registration

  1. In the event that the buyer performs the so-called registration, the operator hereby informs him that part of the completed registration may also include consent to sending offer e-mails from the operator's internet portal. If the order is placed without registration, the seller can offer the buyer the possibility to receive news by email. Offer e-mails will be sent no more than once a month, and the size of individual e-mail messages will not exceed 1MB. You can cancel the service of sending news by e-mail at any time at the e-mail address of the seller.

  2. Orders can be placed even without registration.

Article III - Subject of sale

  1. The subject of sale is goods and services, including service and validation, from the Supplier's current offer, or other goods and services specified by a written agreement between the Customer and the Supplier, including specific price offers determined by a specific Customer.

Article IV - Process of ordering

  1. It is possible to order goods through the e-shop, in writing, by e-mail or letter. We confirm each order by e-mail. If you do not receive confirmation of your e-mail order within 48 hours, it probably has not arrived. Telephone or oral orders are only accepted in exceptional cases.

  2. Send orders to the e-mail address of the seller: molchem@molchem.sk, or by mail to the correspondence address of the Supplier: Molchem ​​s.r.o., Banšelova 26, 821 04 Bratislava, SR

  3. The order must contain the exact name of the Customer's company or institution, address and responsible person, ID number, VAT number (if the Customer is a registered VAT payer), the exact address of the payer of the goods (if it is different from the Customer's address) and the bank account number. Furthermore, it must contain the exact description of the goods, its required quantity, the exact delivery address (if it is different from the Customer's address), a contact person and a telephone contact. In case of specific requirements for the delivery date, it is necessary to state them.

  4. Product specification is clearly determined by its catalog number and packaging. Therefore, before making a binding order, make sure either in the catalog or in writing that the selected catalog number of the product corresponds to your requirements.

  5. In justified cases, in the case of non-standard goods and in the case of the first purchase, the Supplier is entitled to demand an advance payment of up to 100% of the performance value. The delivery date indicated on the order confirmation is then calculated from the date of receipt of the advance payment to the Supplier's account.

  6. In justified cases, the Supplier confirms the received order in the form of a Purchase Agreement or Contracts for work. In this case, the Purchase Agreement/Work Contract is considered concluded only after it is signed by both contracting parties.

  7. Cancellation of an order after its acceptance is possible only after agreement with a person authorized for this purpose. Company Molchem ​​s.r.o. reserves the right to charge the Customer for any costs incurred to cancel the order.

Article V - Price of Goods

  1. The prices of the goods listed in the catalog and in other materials are always valid as of the date of issue, and the Supplier reserves the right to change prices without prior notice as a result of manufacturers' price adjustments, or movements of the EUR exchange rate against foreign currencies. We will confirm the valid prices in the current price offer or in the order confirmation or in the contract. Handling and transport fees may be added to the prices of the goods and invoiced. Information on handling and transport fees will be provided to the buyer as part of the price offer. When importing goods, any Customs duties are included in the price. If the device requires installation and operator training, this is included in the price.

Article VI - Payment terms and ownership rights

  1. Payment for goods is made by transfer on the basis of a tax document due 14 days from the date of delivery, unless otherwise agreed. Payment in cash is not possible. The Supplier reserves the right in justified cases to demand payment of the entire agreed price or part of it in advance (e.g. if it is a special product or if it is a new Customer).

  2. Ownership rights to the goods are transferred to the Customer, by crediting the entire invoiced amount related to the order to the Supplier's account.

  3. Liability for damage to the goods passes to the Customer upon delivery and acceptance of the goods.

  4. The risk of damage to the goods during transport passes to the Customer upon handing over the goods to the Customer or the carrier. Transport insurance of the goods is not included in the price of the goods.

Article VII - Terms of Delivery

  1. We will provide you with delivery times for individual products in the catalog and other materials upon request. Delivery time is usually 1-4 weeks for consumer goods, 3-8 weeks for devices. The delivery period begins on the day the order is confirmed by the Supplier or on the day the Supplier receives the advance payment relating to the order, if so agreed. The customer is obliged to take over the goods at the designated place. If the Customer refuses to accept the goods without stating a legal reason, the Supplier is entitled to charge the Customer for the incurred costs.

  2. The goods are normally delivered by the courier company Toptrans, GLS, DHL or the Supplier. Transport within Bratislava is free. The price of transport within the EU, unless otherwise stated, is charged according to the current costs of the contractual partners. For some particularly unstorable, heavy or otherwise difficult to transport products, the price of transport may be increased.

  3. Personal collection is currently possible after prior agreement. Delivery abroad is subject to agreement.

  4. The customer is obliged to take over the subject of performance and without delay to check the compliance of the quantity and type of the subject of performance with the delivery note, handover report or invoice.

  5. Upon discovering a difference in the quantity, type or quality of the subject of performance, the Customer is obliged to notify the Supplier of this fact without delay in the form of a complaint. If the Customer does not arrange for the goods to be inspected at the time of the transfer of responsibility for damage to the goods, he may claim from detectable defects during this inspection only if he proves that the goods already had these defects at the time of the transfer of responsibility for damage to the goods from the Supplier to the Customer.

  6. If the Customer discovers obvious damage to the packaging when taking over the goods, he is obliged to notify the Supplier or the delivery person of the shipment of this fact without delay and to indicate this in writing on the Supplier's delivery note or delivery note of the delivery service. Later complaints of this type cannot be recognized as justified by the Supplier.

  7. The Supplier is not responsible for the suitability of the selected goods for the required purposes, if these were not specified by the Customer in the inquiry/order or it does not follow from the concluded Purchase Agreement/Work Contract.

  8. Return of goods: You will send the goods that you will send back to the address as described below, by the carrier of your choice. The shipment must be complete (including accessories and all documentation) and in the condition in which you received it upon delivery. Attach the proof of purchase to the goods. Please always use wrapping paper or cardboard so that the original packaging cannot be stuck, written on or otherwise damaged during transport. Do not send the goods on delivery, we recommend that you insure the goods. The money will be returned to your bank account (don't forget to mention it), usually within 5 working days of receiving the shipment. In the case of returning the goods, the amount will be reduced by the shipping costs (does not apply to complaints!).

Article VIII - Cancellation and changes of orders, contractual relationships

  1. Orders and contracts between the Customer and the Supplier confirmed or otherwise agreed upon by the Supplier can only be canceled and changed in writing, by mutual agreement of both contracting parties

  2. The Supplier is entitled to charge the Customer a cancellation fee of up to 100% of the price of the item to cover demonstrably incurred costs to secure the item of goods.

Article IX - Complaints procedure, warranty and post-warranty service

  1. The supplier is responsible for the completeness and correctness of the delivery according to the delivery note. The customer is obliged to check the quantity, completeness, correctness and non-violation of the delivery when taking over the goods. The correctness of the delivery will be confirmed by the Customer with a legible signature on the delivery note.

  2. Warranty and post-warranty service is provided by the Supplier. The supplier is authorized to use third parties to ensure the service.

  3. The warranty period for goods is regulated according to the provisions of the Commercial Code, unless otherwise agreed in the contract. The warranty period for hidden defects, functionality, etc., is set in accordance with the Commercial Code for a period of at least 6 months, unless the warranty period is specified otherwise on the delivery or warranty note. The warranty period for service work and spare parts is 3 months, unless otherwise agreed in the contract. The warranty does not cover errors and damages caused by not respecting the instructions for use, not performing normal user maintenance, making changes to the goods, improper handling or storage. The warranty does not cover natural wear and tear.

  4. The complaint must always be made in writing, stating the specification of the claimed goods, the description of the defect, the number of the delivery note or invoice and the name of the person responsible on the Customer's side for processing the complaint. The Supplier informs about the result of the complaint procedure and the expected resolution of the complaint, usually within 30 days of its delivery to the Customer.

  5. The seller reserves the right to resolve discrepancies between the ordered and delivered goods at his own discretion by monetary compensation or replacement of the goods within a reasonable period of time.

Article X - Final provisions

  1. The Supplier is entitled to withdraw from this contractual relationship if the Customer is in arrears with the payment of financial amounts according to these General Terms and Conditions for a period of more than 14 days. The customer is further entitled to implement the reservation of ownership according to these General Terms and Conditions.

  2. The rights and obligations resulting from this contractual relationship are governed by the legal order of the Slovak Republic.

  3. The text of these general terms and conditions is published on the Internet at molchem.sk, in the price lists and is also an accompanying document for the supply of equipment, the supplies of which are carried out on the basis of the Customer's orders, respectively. contracts for work.

  4. The Customer understands that the obligation relationship arising from the provision of performance and established at the moment of acceptance by the Customer of the order issued by the Supplier is governed by these General Terms and Conditions.

  5. These general conditions become valid and effective on January 1, 2024.

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