If you require any further information, feel free to contact us +421 903 672 588 / molchem@molchem.sk

Gel Electrophoresis


Semi-dry blotter, midi, 20x20 cm
Upon request
Code: ESDB1200
Semi-dry blotter, mini, 10x10 cm
Upon request
Code: ESDB1100
Semi Dry Electroblotter, 21 x 21 cm
Upon request
Code: ESDB3300
Semi Dry Electroblotter, 11 x 11 cm
Upon request
Code: ESDB3100
Maxi Tank Blotter (20x20 cm), 2 kazety
Upon request
Code: EVS3300-BLOT
Mini Tank Blotter (10x10 cm), 4 kazety
Upon request
Code: EVS3100-BLOT
Screenshot 1
MAXI Wide Blotter
Upon request
Code: EVS1300-BLOT
Screenshot 4
MINI Wide Blotter
Upon request
Code: EVS1200-BLOT
MINI Blotter
Upon request
Code: EVS1100-BLOT
BluPad LED transilluminator
Upon request
Code: MC-BP001CU
16 items total

Transilluminator for agarose and protein gels. Dual light sources, white LED light and blue light. Wide range of applicability and compatibility in the fields of basic science...

Code: MC-BP001CU
E Gel EX
E-Gel™ EX Agarose Gels
In stock at the manufacturer

Invitrogen E-Gel EX precast agarose gels are designed for ultrasensitive and convenient DNA and RNA sample electrophoresis in as little as 10 to 20 minutes.

Code: G401001
G8342ST 1 650x600.jpg 650

Starter kit for using pre-prepared agarose gels E-Gel EX 2%.

Code: G8342ST
Elektroforetický zdroj EV2000

Séria EV2000 pozostáva zo štyroch modelov 150 W napäťových zdrojov, ktoré sa ľahko ovládajú. Predný panel a grafický displej sú navrhnuté pre jednoduché použitie. Displej...

Code: EV2230
Elektroforetický zdroj EV3000

Séria EV3000 pozostáva z piatich modelov 300 W napäťových zdrojov, ktoré sa ľahko ovládajú. Predný panel a grafický displej sú navrhnuté pre jednoduché použitie. Displej...

Code: EV3020

BLooK is a blue LED transilluminator for the detection of nucleic acids or proteins in UV-free conditions. The wavelength of the special blue LEDs is 470 nm, so there is no...

EVS3300 BLOT Code: EVS3300-BLOT
Screenshot 1 Code: EVS1300-BLOT
MINI Blotter
Upon request
Code: EVS1100-BLOT
EVS3100 BLOT Code: EVS3100-BLOT
Screenshot 4 Code: EVS1200-BLOT
E5500 Code: ESDB1200
E5500 Code: ESDB1100

Systém izoelektrickej fokusácie EIEF 1100 systém bol navrhnutý na vykonávanie všetkých techník IEF, ktoré zahŕňajú elektroforézu na báze knôtu s horizontálnymi a ručne...

Code: EIEF1100-SYS

If you did not find the product you were looking for, contact our sales representatives, we will be happy to prepare a price offer for you.