If you require any further information, feel free to contact us +421 903 672 588 / molchem@molchem.sk

Barcode Printers, Labelers and Readers

The range of systems from the manufacturer Azenta includes various products, from tube inspection stations to tube markers and labelers, which can be used as stand-alone units or integrated into automated systems.

If you want to learn more about these products, contact one of our experts by email.


4ti 0680 1 teaser
Direct Tube Markers
Upon request
Code: 4TI-0680-1
2 items total
tube labeller 1

Vysoko špecializovaná tlačiareň na automatizovanú aplikáciu individuálne vytlačených štítkov na mikrozkúmavky v stojane s 24, 48 alebo 96 jamkami.  

Code: 75-0001
4ti 0680 1 teaser

Navrhnuté na priamu tlač textu, lineárnych čiarových kódov, 2D kódov a grafiky na skúmavky, kryoskúmavky a falkon tuby pomocou technológie Thermal Pixel Printing. Je možné...

Code: 4TI-0680-1

If you did not find the product you were looking for, contact our sales representatives, we will be happy to prepare a price offer for you.