If you require any further information, feel free to contact us +421 903 672 588 / molchem@molchem.sk

Antibodies for Cancer Research

Anticancer antibodies can target a wide range of antigens, including soluble proteins, cancer cell surface antigens, and effector cell receptors.

Advantages of Elabscience ® Cancer Antibodies

  • High antigen purity: The purity of each recombinant protein used as an immunogen is >= 90%, of which some are >= 95%.
  • High antibody specificity: Antibodies with high affinity antigen specificity were obtained by antigen affinity purification.
  • Complete and Accurate Cancer Antibody Data: The WB Experimental Operation Guidelines include all experimental conditions in the WB experimental process. The products have been rigorously verified and the data is accurate and reliable.
  • Comprehensive and accurate experimental data: Quality detection of multiple species and applications to ensure that each antibody is a high-quality product that has been rigorously tested.

You can find more information about the products here.


Protilátky proti rakovine pľúc
Upon request
1 items total

Spoločnosť Elabscience® vyvinula sériu protilátok súvisiacich s výskumom rakoviny pľúc. Tieto vysokokvalitné protilátky vám môžu pomôcť presnejšie zistiť expresiu súvisiacich...


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